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WorryBoy Art Exhibition


Over a period of 6 weeks I told the WorryBoy story, which encouraged the children to explore their own emotions, worries and wisdom. 


They created beautiful art pieces which were displayed alongside the artwork I had created and were open for public for nearly a month!

Artwork for the hallway


This year 6's made 6 huge pieces of artwork to inspire the Year 6's that were coming after them.


The focus was the transition to secondary school 

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Photo Comics


The focus of this funded summer workshops was exploring emotions through photography


We explored our inner “villain” and our inner “superhero” and turned them into short comics.

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Street Art Exhibition


The children made their Worry-Person and their Wise-Person.

Each with a quote.


For 10 days their creations were displayed in the windows of 17 shops on Stoke Newington Church Street!

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